AVAILABLE FOR SPEAKING IN 2024 –  Keynotes, Seminars, Workshops, Webinars, & Retreats - Let’s Talk


Thought provoking. Inspiring. Practical Solutions.
How to Ask Interview Questions That Reveal True Talent and Compatibility
I'm often asked, "What are your top interview questions?" Some questions are better than others but I can't tell you the best questions for every interview because each situation is…
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How to Better Educate Clients Who Don’t Know What They Don’t Know
Last month I had the good fortunate to have a speaking engagement in the home town of my brother and sister-in-law.  How nice to be able to stay with family…
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3 Ways to Take Client Service to a Higher Level
I’m one of those people who live to eat as opposed to someone who eats to live.  I really enjoy eating out whether it is at a fancy restaurant, a…
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What Do Clients Feel When they Visit Your Practice?
I recently read that Petco announced they’re redesigning some of their stores to encourage more interaction with employees and other pet owners. One of the new features is a concierge…
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Are You Asking Good Questions?
I had an aha! moment recently as I reflected on two conversations.  In one, the other person was seemingly complaining about a situation and I didn’t understand why.  As a…
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Are You Tired of Problem Employees?!
What’s the greatest challenge at your practice? When I ask veterinarians and practice managers this question the number one answer is “human resource management.”   I hear about HR headaches related to…
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What to Say and Do in Times of Crisis and Change
What a difficult time for veterinary practice leaders trying to survive and thrive during the coronavirus pandemic!  In addition to dealing with declining revenues, changes to curbside service, and navigating…
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